Questionmark is a think tank committed to creating a healthier, more sustainable, and fair food system.
Our strategy focuses on leveraging the influence of European food retailers, brands, and governments to drive meaningful change.
We achieve this by stimulating competition and/or collaboration among companies and inspiring governments to regulate where the market needs level playing field.
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Our way of working
We develop and disseminate solutions for a future proof food system and build movements to accelerate and implement change
We help decision makers in and around the food sector understand the urgent challenges the food system faces and develop and disseminate new solutions.
We follow the ‘system approach’, which means we consider all the elements in the food system and how they influence each other.
We carry out our strategy by
- conducting (mostly unsolicited) research & advisory
- organising collaboration among various stakeholders
- stimulating and organising public debate
In all of our work we engage civil society organisations, our Scientific Council, companies and governments.
Levers for change
Our programmes focus on leveraging the power of retail, A-brands, advertising and governments. They have great potential to stimulate healthy, sustainable, just and animal friendly production and consumption of food.

In Europe, 70% of the food we buy comes from supermarkets. At the same time only a handful of supermarkets per country are situated between food producers and consumers. This makes supermarkets a powerful lever to transform eating patterns and food production methods.

Advertising encourages people to consume unhealthy and unsustainable food. But responsible advertising can positively influence consumption norms and contribute to healthy and sustainable consumption.

Our core values
- Value-driven
- Pioneering
- Scientific
- Independent
- Constructive
European supermarkets in our scope
European civil society partners
Newsletter subscribers

Data Collection

General Director

Project Lead


Head of Research

Data Collection

Corporate & Public Affairs

Software developer

Communication Manager

Head of Operations

Data Collection

Head of Technology
Supervisory Board

Independent consultant, Wetlands International - board member

Boardroom consultancy, strategy & positioning

Public@stake - Founder

Marketing & Communications

Governance & Integrity - sr advisor, BRAC International - Supervisory board

Non-Exec Director and Advisor on Strategy and Transformations

Global director strategy at IDH
Scientific Council
Our scientific council advises us on research methodologies to ensure our research adheres to scientific standards

Wageningen University - Marketing & Consumer Behaviour

HAS Hogeschool - Nutrition & Health

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Nutrition & Health

Head of Sustainability Group at FiBL Switzerland
Retail Council
Our retail council provides us with insights on the functioning of the retail industry

Retail Consultant & Auteur

Strategy, Innovation, Digital innovation

Interimmanager retail, Partner Blijplantje, WfK - Raad van Advies

NHL Stenden - Docent Retailmanagement, Retail coach & trainer

E-business consultant
Governance and financials
Our core activity consists of independent projects. These are funded by donations from philanthropic funds and civil society partners. Names of funders can be found with the description of each individual project.
On occasion, when it truly aligns with our mission, we deliver data and research services on commission.
Accountability for our governance and finances can be found in our annual reports.
We have an integrity policy in order to avoid conflicts of interest and adverse incentives.
Annual reports