Protein transition

A movement to more plant-based proteins for everyone

Protein consumption, and particularly animal protein consumption, is too high. The production and consumption  of animal proteins comes at great environmental and health cost. In a future proof food system, the production and consumption of animal proteins shifts more from animal to plant-based proteins. This programme aims to reduce the sale of animal products in supermarkets in order to encourage the protein transition.


Find all our projects in the programme protein transition

Meat in supermarket shelf supermarket
Benchmark Protein Transition

What measures are supermarkets taking to achieve protein transition targets?

Logo Ei-weet monitor
Monitor protein transition 2023

A harmonised method to monitor the protein transition in supermarkets

Sector agreement protein transition 2024

A collective movement to encourage more plant-based consumption

Price differences meat and meat substitutes

How affordable are plant-based meat substitutes?


Levensmiddelen Krant logo
Lidl maakt er gehakt van

En introduceert prijs gelijkheid

5 months ago

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