Superlist Animal Welfare the Netherlands 2021
Which Dutch supermarkets are taking the lead in animal welfare?
Superlist Animal Welfare in the Netherlands compares Dutch supermarkets bi-annualy on their contribution to an animal friendly food system. The eight largest supermarkets (Albert Heijn, Aldi, Coop, Dirk, Ekoplaza, Jumbo, Lidl and Plus) are compared on how they encourage the sale of more animal-friendly food products and how they discourage the consumption of animal products overall.

Supermarkets place responsibility for more animal-friendly with their customers
Supermarkets usually place the responsibility for more animal-friendly farming practices with their customers. Animal products without a relevant quality label for animal welfare are the standard and sometimes the only option.
In the promotional folders, about half of the meat now has a relevant quality label, but for dairy, this is rarely the case. A number of supermarkets have recently started reporting on animal welfare in their sales figures.
Dutch supermarkets place choice for animal welfare with their customers
Superlijst Dierenwelzijn Nederland 2021

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